Sunday, November 12, 2006

is it over again already?

What a weekend...and so quickly it is over...
Quick note to a few of you...tougher for me to find time to post right now...I am working at Foote still and cleaning after work for a pediatrician's office 3 nights a week. Nice for Christmas cash! I am going to try to type up some posts at work if I have free time then it will be just a matter of copying and pasting at home....thanks Beth for the idea! !
Hooray- I heard from my mom....she has landed in CA. This is her cold weather parking spot (for now) and the weather is in the 80s! (can you box it up for me? just a little?) She sounded pleased with the park and is already making plans to join in a water exercise class...get out there and make friends! ( I think we have changed roles....I recall the same chant from her!! when I moved!! LOL)
Sat- Spent the afternoon at Grandma's visiting with her and my dad. The boys had a riot...Gram lives in an assisted living community....and right outside of her apartment is the 'game room'. They have a 3 in 1 table....the boys love to shoot pool as the adults visit....well this time Gram got out there and shot pool with Jake against Steve and Koda. No, I did not bring my camera BUT I did run in and grab hers so I could have the picture!! It was priceless!
Sun- cleaned this morning at the dr office, then came home and baked cookies and made chicken n dumplins! Homemade....and they were yummy! Koda got a replacement hunting licence (his wallet was stolen from his locker during wrestling practice and his license was in it, along with every other thing important to him! and $25.00) and he and Steve went out to scout out a spot on state land for opening day....Steve loves to hunt opening day on state land in Waterloo? and it usually proves to be a good choice...let's hope! I would love to see Dakoda have an opportunity to get a deer his first year!! Good luck boys! After opening day they will hunt an Amish farm outside of Vandercook Lake and possible go up to the McKessy Deer Camp on a weekend which is in the Rothbury area....Manistee Forest.
JHS Wrestling starts tomorrow full force!! Practice every night, and we will soon be doing the all day meets and conferences! I am still amazed that my homophobic, germ-a-phobic son is wrestling but I am anxious and excited that he has found a passion for something...a sport!

Take care, stay warm.....and my big question of the day.....what is on your Christmas list and do you have a hard to find item from someone you will be searching for?
Thanks to Santa Grandpa I think I have mine under control! :-)


Jill H said...

you'll have to post the picture of your Grandma shootin' pool, please?! sounds like fun. hope Dakoda has fun with the wrestling!!

Kristin said...

I am so glad that he is wrestling....probably one of my favorite sports to watch.

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