Thursday, July 10, 2008

yucky day x 2

WOW - Tuesday night the boys were horsing around in the pool- and I came up from doing laundry to a screaming crying child. Thought I was at the wrong house for a minute....then I saw a bloody child I recognized being escorted in by his 2 brothers.....YEP, Steve II !!
They were dumping each other off their rafts and he tried to leap at Jake, Jake was too quick- moved to the side and Steve hit his face on Koda's hip bone. Cleaned him up , applied ice and decided to wait and see what things looked like in the morning-
Called him in the morning - he is sore, bruising and had a headache....doubted my momma skills about now. Emailed Beth asking if I was totally a bad mom and what her opinions were...then called the Dr. Dr could not get us in so I took him to Express Care!
10a- 2p = 4 xrays, a Dr that says there is a suspicious area near the flare of his nose - not much we can do....they will call us with results and a definite answer in 2-3 days! ?? Hmm, thinking he will now look even more like his daddy- oh Me. Crooked Nose himself....only daddy's are because he was a brawler in his younger days!! :-)
Much better fact off to stay the night at his aunt's last night with Koda. Jake is off staying with another friend for a couple days!!

THEN..........I started the sneezy allergy ick yesterday morning - came home last night - started with Tylenol Allery Sinus.....not much relief....then I remembered and started Dimetapp- just like the drs used to give me when I was a kid....feel better now but am 'trotting' along from either a bug I picked up at Express Care or from medicine belly?
I am home today!! Just Mom and Riley - watching movies and napping!!

Is it Friday yet?


Beth said...

Get some rest and feel better friend!!!

Jill H said...

oh no!! i hope you BOTH are better by now :)

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