I have AGAIN been a blog slacker - life has me in quite a whirlwind right now. Hoping to get caught up and find a slower pace again soon!!
Worked all week, school started, football practice pick ups after work every day - but Jake did give up and quit! :-( , I am sad, ran up north Sat am to stay with dad until this afternoon.
Dad is doing well - I talked him into getting up enough courage to go down the stairs and get in my car yesterday. HUGE steps. Scary for him when he just had surgery and has not done the steps since the day I brought him home. We took about a 45 minute ride down by Lake MI, watched a few boats come in and go out - then headed home. I was
driving very defensively - I did not want to have to stomp on the brakes or anything - we had fun!!
I was able to catch up on some house cleaning that he cannot do while there, did some shopping for him, washed his hair, etc - all those things we take for granted when we have 2 good legs...
lolHad to go to work when I got back to
Jax as the computer program I use for payroll was down on Friday- which meant I was behind!
ick. Stayed just about 2 hours and then ....................
Steve called- scared the daylights out of me.....my 2 nieces, 1 nephew and a friend all left for a walk about 330pm this afternoon and could not be found at 530- then 6- Steve and the boys all went and started searching with the others and I went home and waited to learn where I was needed. I made many phone calls asking if anyone had seen them, heard from them, etc....and about 610 they were found on a walking trail. OH my heart was relieved - this world is crazier and crazier and all I kept thinking was time is crucial and praying like mad! HOORAY they are home safe with some lengthy lectures and loads of hugs!!Jake and Steve II both passed their hunters safety this weekend....today actually and now all I can hear is how they all want bows for Christmas. OH brother. :-) Koda has one - just 2 more to buy!! Going for broke!!The Barton's are all fine and dandy....crazy busy....but just dandy!Heading north again next weekend for dad's
bday and to check on him as well.
Sept 19
th - GIRLS WEEKEND!! woo
hoo. This year there are 7 of us. We are going to a dinner show at
Turkeyville....and hoping for loads of fun and lots of laughs!! :-)