Saturday, April 11, 2009

Glory and OUCH

Dakoda took 2nd place last night (04/10/09)at Lansing Eastern. Nice medal.
We just ordered his vasity jacket - he cannot wait to start attaching his medals. :-)

Today Dakoda and Jake went to a freestyle meet in Chelsea while Steve Sr, Steve II and I went to work at a martial arts tournament held at parkside- they are making a $1000 donation to the wrestling program for us hosting the event. Jake went to watch- and decide if he wants to try it. Sounds like he is planning to wrestle in Eaton Rapids next weekend. :-)

Dakoda did not do so well. He took 5th - and suffered a concussion. He was dropped on his head during a match- has one heck of a goose-egg with a cut....have to watch him closely through the night. He is really experiencing pain, tingling, a little off balance......

Happy Easter to you all. Hope we all have loads of sunshine.

1 comment:

Jill H said...

oh gosh, I hope his head is better today! ow. way to go on the medal though, that's a really nice one! hope you guys had a happy Easter, YAY for sunshine!!!

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