I stumbled across some old photo albums when I was up at my dad's last time.....and have
started scanning the pics to share with my siblings and 2 cousins. I am amazed

The handwriting is my Grandma's....this was her home where her father had the butter room. Grandma made note ...look at the single
light bulb above the machine...that was IT!

This is an old family photo.....how cool. This was her Mom's side of the family!
This fascinated us....my brother, Bill and my Grandpa Meek were playing a video game....do you all remember that game? The console is sitting on the stool. HELLO? Look at the tiny TV!
Guess who?
Life has been crazy for me. Seems as though it's just one curve ball after another. However. I have been chanting "I will survive" and it seems to pass the day. Thinking I may need to go back to batting practice...as it seems to be wearing me out!
Had a wedding to attend today...and it sure was nice to have everyone else travel this time rather than me. The wedding was in Grass Lake. Nice. Funny too to hear them all grumble about the long drive....I know nothing about that drive....ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha !
I found a neuropathy clinic at the U of M we are trying to get my dad into. Cross your fingers. Next step find him a new place to live. Must choose....Eaton Rapids or Spring Lake.
Next weekend....I get to go spend some time with MY MOM. Miss her lots...NEED to go spend MORE time with her. Just need to figure out where to get more days in a week/ month. xxoo