Hey everyone. I am up and bloggin! I believe this will become a very useful tool for family and friends to keep up with the busy-ness of the Barton's.
For those of you trying to keep up....
House hunting is on hold, we were still recovering from the total let down we just went through (Bacon Rd house) as well as I am currently a deer hunter's widow. We are continuing to remain optomistic as we know there is a house out there for us...just not sure where it is. I feel a little pressured with Dakoda getting very close to high school days. We will find a house to call home sometime soon!
Sports are currently complete....however, Jake just announced he plans to play basketball. Sounds as though we will be up and going again soon.
Hunting , well no deer yet BUT it is only the eve of opening day. Tomorrow the pressure is on as Steve goes back to work on Thursday. However, the last big buck he took was from the Manistee National Forest which is Dad's deer camp. Steve and Dakoda are headed there on Friday night...hoping to BAG a BUCK! C'mon boys we need to fill the freezer!
School seems to be going very well this year. We are very pleased with the boys' success at a new school that has a uniform dress code too! Our first marking period was great, good grades by all, and terrific conferences!! Steven had a great report on his morals, all 4s, which gave him the priveldge to invite a person to a pasta luncheon. I went to that on my lunch hour on Monday. Hooray Steve!
I will attempt to keep you all up to date with the Barton busy-ness.
Mark your calendars Dec 13th is the Christmas musical for the boys 6pm.
watch for an upcoming update and thanks for visiting my blog! Kandi
1 comment:
Yeah you! Thanks for the update! Your pics are cute!
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