Thursday, April 24, 2008
Monday, April 21, 2008
Fun shots

Steve caught a glimpse of the fella up in the tree yesterday enjoying the neighbors left over Taco Bell nacho cheese.

a card I whipped off tonight to show Mandy that she doesn't need stamps to make cards
Thanks Beth !! for the idea

New bikes - Jake and Steve got new bikes

WOW - Jake needed new shoes -
SIZE 14 !
Guess I had better start looking for 14.5 or bigger football cleats.
Saturday, April 19, 2008

Saturday - YES! OH was this the longest week ever? I never thought the day would end. Actually I got to do the Joann's lunch run with my favorite lunch friend - and once we went back to work it went a little faster. Thanks friend. (OH and we went in to Maggie Moo's - ice cream shop- to pick up ice cream pies for Beth's office birthday celebrations.....and it smelled SOOOOOOOO yummy - and I never touched a thing. Temptation! LOL We have not ever been there before- maybe this summer we will visit - thinking about a birthday cake from there for Steve)

I debated back and forth all week about making a run north this weekend - A. To see my mom B. To get dad's place ready for next weekend C. cuz I miss my mom !!
After a call from mom - I decided I could wait - she promised to make an appearance next weekend - come hang out and craft with us. :-)
ALSO the weather is not supposed to be nice - rain in the forecast - which would mean the boys would be inside without much to do at both mom's and dad's - dad's cable is off, no computer - oh what would they do? DRIVE ME NUTS! Was hoping I could take them to mom's and they could rake for her - darn mother nature. Now watch it won;t rain since I have moved on to new weekend plans.
Tonight Koda and Steve Sr are going to a concert together. I won tickets on W 4 Country for Lynard Skynard Rowdy Frynds concert- with Hank Williams Jr - and they are both hoping like mad that Kid Rock will show too. (he is friends - frynds- with both of them and lives near by!)
The concert is at the Palace - they are both excited.
I am anxious for next weekend to come.....bought an album to scrapbook our spring break in!! I love it. 8x8. Can we fast forward?
Off to run errands and make some decisions with hubby - have a great weekend.
**these pics all from FL
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
friends + scrapbooking = FUN
10 more days until the scrapbook getaway in Spring Lake, MI. Are you coming? Have you replied? C'mon , lots of laughs guaranteed, SCRIBBS pizza for dinner - WAHOO!, table space and 2 bathrooms !! Close to Lake Michigan if we need to get out for a bit.....and rest and relaxation
Thinking I might head north this weekend and see if I can get things ready - we'll see. I'd like to open things up, set the tables up, etc. But the thieves that are pricing gas are making it tougher for us to make the many many weekend runs 'home'.
busy week happenings
Thinking I might head north this weekend and see if I can get things ready - we'll see. I'd like to open things up, set the tables up, etc. But the thieves that are pricing gas are making it tougher for us to make the many many weekend runs 'home'.
busy week happenings
- looked at a house - across the street - no closets? ugh nope. need to stash n store
- Steve II broke his glasses
- finally caught up on a few things at work that were behind from vacation
- Homework police have been busy getting boys back on track - seems that spring makes them want to be outdoors and forget homework
- Starting spring cleaning - making junk run plans for Sat !!
- Koda gets to go to the concert this weekend with his dad - Lynard Skynard and Hank Williams Jr - Rowdy Frynds Tour
Tuesday, April 15, 2008
Special day
To many of you today proves to be April 15th dreaded 'TAX DAY'. Ugh, well wishes to you - hope your results prove to be plentiful or at least you had a good time all year
To me.... it is a special day a day to remember my hero- it's my Grandma Spence's birthday!! Although we no longer have her her with us- her memory lives on!!
Oh how we all miss her. She was one amazing woman - so full of life and a giver. She made quilts for people all over - taught people to quilt - loved to travel - made friends everywhere she went - she started the family reunion that we've grown to love - Christmas in July!
Favorite things I remember about her - she wore rings on all of her fingers - some more than 2 on each and she clinked when she used her hands - as a kid, we knew she always had candy in her purse, circus peanuts, orange slices or burnt peanuts - she took the grandkids to walk to Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day every year - just G & G took all of us and sometimes we took friends too - she made quilts for every occasion in our lives, special quilts for each grandchild when they married including pillow shams to match, every baby born got a blanket and an inscribed silver baby cup - she loved Nascar - and rode in a car around MIS twice in her 80s - oh I could go on and Grandma my hero.
I love you Gram !!
Have a Happy Tuesday !
To me.... it is a special day a day to remember my hero- it's my Grandma Spence's birthday!! Although we no longer have her her with us- her memory lives on!!
Oh how we all miss her. She was one amazing woman - so full of life and a giver. She made quilts for people all over - taught people to quilt - loved to travel - made friends everywhere she went - she started the family reunion that we've grown to love - Christmas in July!
Favorite things I remember about her - she wore rings on all of her fingers - some more than 2 on each and she clinked when she used her hands - as a kid, we knew she always had candy in her purse, circus peanuts, orange slices or burnt peanuts - she took the grandkids to walk to Mackinac Bridge on Labor Day every year - just G & G took all of us and sometimes we took friends too - she made quilts for every occasion in our lives, special quilts for each grandchild when they married including pillow shams to match, every baby born got a blanket and an inscribed silver baby cup - she loved Nascar - and rode in a car around MIS twice in her 80s - oh I could go on and Grandma my hero.
I love you Gram !!
Have a Happy Tuesday !
Sunday, April 13, 2008
A GOOD Sunday
My morning started by waking up and making the requested 'big breakfast'. I made: dippin eggs, sausage, hash browns, pancakes.....with all the extras. To which Jake came to the table and said "Wow Mom, it looks like we are sitting down to eat at The Waffle House." Then he said "but it tastes even better! " A smile that lasted all day came across my face.
Took Jake to the gym with me at 10am. We had a good time chatting and learning the new machines....laughing a bunch.
Took my photo album to Gram's today so she could see the pics and we could spend a little time with her. It was a nice visit.
Made a favorite dinner - nachos ....and we all ate while watching a movie together.
Now laundry time and getting ready for Monday.
We are looking at a house tomorrow night at 6pm - hope this one is IT and allows me to get out of this animal cracker box!!
Beth- thanks so much for sharing the link to

Before picnik
using picnik
Monday, April 07, 2008
Sunday, April 06, 2008
I'm back!!
From a very warm visit to Florida....and a very long ride home. Isn't it funny how the ride home seems so much longer than the one there?
On our last day there- Friday - here is the read out from the van on the way to the Gulf to swim. Now you see why no one wanted to leave Florida? (Ky;e was homesick and was ready to go by the last day for sure!!)
The trip was full of all kinds of excitement. We swam in 3 different areas of the Gulf, went to Busch Gardens- Tampa Bay, had temps above 80 every day we were there!, got to rush Jake to an emergency room in Port Richie, FL at 1030 pm, took a boat trip out to a casino boat that floats 4 miles into International waters- and we took home THEIR $, deep sea fishing followed by a fish fry, picking oranges and grapefruit, making juice, loofahs, oh so many things to show and tell!!
Home again and Steve back to the norm tomorrow....I am home with Riley- who is stuck to me like glue - AND in heat again!! UGH, planning on a grocery run and laundry gallore.
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