Grandma- LOOK we all have EYES!! All 4 of the kids got haircuts!! My handsome men and little lady is a QT !! :-) None of these 4 are any more anxious to head into a salon....they all drag their feet. Yes, I am a licensed beautician and occasionally cut their hair BUT no one knew what they wanted and all were hard to tackle and get in the chair when I wasn't on the go! One stop to Fantastic Sams and all three boys were done. Poof! Koda is trying some new styles....he loves the Fohawk - and actually he sports it rather well. :-) 
I love this pic The boys playing Guitar Hero on
XBox 360. Two are playing - the other is just practicing along. I wish we had more room.....they really want rock band.
Hmm, where can we condense down and make room?
It was a nice weekend for a change. Saturday afternoon we took the boys to Steve's sister, Jody's to hang out while we went with Jody and Bryan on a date night!! We went to Mt Pleasant- did well a few times - cashed in 135.00 once - hit that with just 1.50 in a machine. Then we gave some back- all in all we spent about 80.00 for a full day out - no kids - no cooking - that included 2 meals and a beverage while in the casino. :-)
They boys had a riot.....they took their x box over - all together when we left they had 4 - X Box 360s and 4
tvs in her living room all playing against one another.....they had a blast!! Wish I had thought to get a pic of the gamers and gaming area. And they spent the night!! :-)
Steve and I both worked today!! Now dinner, laundry and some