Oh what a week

- visitations,- Tues, funeral- Wed, and family gatherings multiple times since. The boys were so excited to see their cousins....and Steve and I were most excited to see the neices and nephews again!! Oh how they've all grown.
- our cold water pipe (s) to the bathroom plugged up after they flushed the hydrants- yeah us!! Steve spent one bereavement day plumbing the bathroom!!
- last night the neighbor's grandkids were playing on the sidewalk in front of our house- skipping stones in the puddles and bouncing rocks....one tried to bounce a walnut and it hit the van!! the window on my driver's side sliding door....shattered !!
- Spent a couple hours cleaning up glass inside and out and taping cardboard and trash bags over it. The dad of the young man that threw the stone or walnut insists they will pay for the damage. They made him go withdraw from his own savings to pay for the damage- that killed me....he's just a little boy - I am raising 3 myself and I know what they are capable of....just lucky so far that none have damaged someone else's property. ugh
- spent all morning looking for somewhere that could repair the glass - as more rain is on it's way. NO luck....best we found was someone that could repair on Monday but offered to shelter it in the garage until Monday!!
- Jake is really taking the loss hard!! I got him to open up a bit to me....and he was very serious about us getting back to church. That's it. We've been talking for months about wanting to find a 'home church' that has the things we're looking for. Right now, one important factor for us is teen involvement. I would like to find a church that offers activities for the youth. A gal at work invited us to come to service this weekend and give it a try - she and her son love their church. More to come...... oh and I learned that some of Steve's family also go there? Could be fun for the kids.
I am hoping that we can find 'normal' again this week. Not that we were ever normal - but at least the Barton normal would be great!!
I am glad your week is over, that's for sure. It hurt just to sit by and watch it happen!! Here's to a good week this week, and I'll see you Monday morning :)
i hope you guys have a good, normal week now :)
that stinks about your van window! hope that's fixed ASAP.
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