Saturday, December 06, 2008

up and running

The computer is back up and running. Thanks to sons and curiosity - I was the lucky recipient of a CRASH on my pc. I will let the party remain anonymous and leave the details to you....they are also lucky t'he'y have a computer savvy mom...otherwise 'he' would have been cashing in some gifts...ugh!

and we are up and running this morning - heading to an all day wrestling event. Will post later with pics...hopefully with smiles. Thursday night he was not smiling and was just plain MAD because he lost both matches. I have seen him mad -wish he could use that energy to get loose from the holds he gets into - but unfortunately he gives up if they get him around the neck and feels like his breathing is compromised. (think this is from being an asthmatic)

Anywho - I will post details later!! Have a super Saturday!


Jill H said...

you may post pictures of the wrestling but leave the ucky & sweaty smells at the school, please LOL :)

hope you guys have a good day!

beth said...

Good luck Koda, and I'd give up too if they got me around the neck, but that is claustrophobia!! :) Glad the computer is good to go. Hope a certain boy learns his lesson. ;)

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