Thursday, March 11, 2010


We have the laptop's a start.  We need to shop around and seek deals for either parts or a new tower for the pc. darn it.  Just don't have a load of spare change for everything that keeps popping up.

Good news.  Steve is doing great.  He is taking less and less pain meds....he is doing his OT and PT at home without being reminded.....he is getting his homework made up and turned in!  whew!  So glad he is a such a good kid.  :-)  He made it school and stayed most of the week.  Tomorrow he starts his PT / OT routine ....after school for 1.5 hours every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.  The therapists are both young girls and they love him and think he is too cute.  He has to be seen by pediatric therapists because of his age....both girls were shocked when they called 'Steve Barton' and Baby Godzilla stood and walked towards them.  He towers over both of them ...too funny.

Life is good.  (By the way, I  am blaming my crazy life on the curse of turning 40!!)


beth said...

Well, Steve is doing well, and that's all that matters!! Make do with the laptop and let the rest go. I miss my laptop, but will make the laptop work for now. I hear ya though, there is ALWAYS something!!! XO friend!

Jill H said...

that's good he's healing and doing well :) and good that your laptop is back, sorry about the pc though :(

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