Thursday, December 15, 2005


waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaah- I have had the day from H- E -Double hockey sticks! Work was NUTS, I was covering someone else's job again today while I watch my desk sink under the MEGA piles of to do's! Then I tried to go out and do some running at lunch to get prepared for our Christmas up north this weekend.....and my van has NO BLOWER (heat) NO MUSIC , THE POWER WINDOWS will not work and NO WIPERS! (Mind you it is snowing like mad....and I am doing a Wendy's run for half the office since all the weenies were scared to go out!) OH! all the accessories work if you do not turn the van all the way over.....either turn the key back or only one notch forward, SO if you put the van in neutral and shut it off the wipers work, etc...ROTFL) I drove to Wendy's grabbed lunch and went straight back to call and whine to Steve. Then on my way home from work, van still impaired it decided to GO ALL THE WAY with the 'disabled card' and went into what Chrystler refers to as 'limp mode'. This means you are now driving a vehicle that will not go over 40mph and shift out of 2nd gear! HELLLLO? I hear you all laughing! (It goes back to the dealership for the 4th visit for something having to do with the sensors- mind you it is still under the fcatory 36000 mile warranty!! ) C'mon it gets better....then I decide to make the cute little individual pizzas for everyone (easy clean up so I can move on to decorating cookies for all the parties tomorrow). As I was pulling #3 from the oven I caught the edge of the pan with the oven door, flipped it out of my hand and like a true dork...I tried to save the day with my no-oven gloved hand! WOW- this was the first time I ever considered going to the walk in clinic for a burn....I did it good....blisters and all.
Do you all feel better now that you have had a good laugh? I do.
Have a happy and safe weekend!

1 comment:

Jill H said...

Wow, what a crappy day. Hope today is better for ya!


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