Today we made the toughest decision - we put Mandi to rest. Mandi has been a great little lady and she will be sadly missed by us all.
In 4.94 Steve, Koda and I went to the Paka Plaza and saw this adorable little pup in the showcase! Steve fell in love with her right off the bat. He sent me to the counter to find someone while he stood guard at the case....he was telling complete strangers that he was buying this puppy, pointing her out so that EVERYONE knew NOT to ask to buy HIS puppy. Back then I was a little ( ok, A LOT) embarrassed, now I love the memory!
We purchased her and from day one she has been an awesome pup! She was very easy to train, a great friend for the boys and another Mommy to them when I was not close by! No one could get near the backyard fence without her alerting us! She would not allow anyone to open the doors without letting them know she was right there!!
Some more of my favorite memories of she HATED the newspaper...she would snatch it right out of the paperboys' hand if he made the mistake of opening the screen door and if he did not, she would try to jump through the door to get the paper..LITERALLY!
She had just one toy.....although we attempted to buy her her eyes there was only ONE....a yellow rubber ducky that she STOLE from Koda's kiddie pool! She loved that duck....she would play fetch with it for hours! Even after Steve ran it over with the lawnmower and beheaded the duck....she still loved it!! It was only about 3-4 yrs ago that she stopped playing with the rough looking duck. (yes, we attempted to replace the duck, but NOPE there was only ONE yellow duck!!) I will greatly miss the friendship she and I had- the only 2 girls here we were a team! If ever I was sick and could find her right next to my bed or in cases of the flu....waiting outside the bathroom door....she was my mommy too! Mandi will always be a very special pet to us all....the 2 younger boys came after she they never knew of a time without her. WOWSA! This tough- my vision is a little clouded by the tears=
Tonight was pretty quiet around here....we all felt a little lost! In this little bitty house she is missed! Jackson had a pretty good storm with some big thunder and lightning. I was surprised when a HUGE crack of lightning sounded and Jake yelled out! "Hooray, Mandi bowled a strike!" How sweet that Jake and Steve had been earlier discussing that she was in Heaven- when the rain started they said they were tears from Heaven. They are so sweet.
Yes, the boys are already thinking that they need a new puppy soon.
We will see.....Daddy will need time to heal as he is really struggling!!
Thanks for reading and sharing my memories of my dear Mandi!!