Thursday, September 07, 2006

school update

HOORAY! The younger boys made it on the bus in the morning and afternoon - AND made it to our house without walking a mile...LOL
Dakoda is adjusting to J High and seems to be liking it more. :>) BIG HOORAY!

WOW! Remember this is info released from my 5th grader!!
Steven had an interesting first day in science. He changes classes and so he met a new teacher too. The teacher was loading a presentation from his pc to be shown on the overhead....the presentation came on...and it was naked people and a title of PORN. The teacher explained it must be a virus...he shut off and re booted and he said INFACT, there is a virus! Ya think? Oh my - now Steve and I are a little shocked BUT also laughed hysterically about it behind closed doors when we imagined what this teacher must have thought and/or felt. Steven said the whole class gasped then started busting out laughing! Hello....5th graders= naked people- hilarious!! Hmm, what else does this new school have to offer??LOL
Hoping for a repeat day! ( minus the PORN!) LOL

1 comment:

Beth said...

Two days in a row? HELLO! Wow, I told Kyle this story and we both laughed. Poor teacher man, he probably wanted to run and hide. Bet those kids can't wait for science today!!

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