Wednesday, December 13, 2006


Do you have a favorite Christmas tradition? Have you carried on any traditions with your kids/ family that were from your childhood?

I have carried on a couple of them from my childhood...
1. santa mugs for cocoa on Christmas morning- as kids my Mom always made hot cocoa (not from the little pks either...the good stuff with Hershey's Cocoa.) and peanut butter toast for Christmas morning. I bought a set for each of my brothers so they too could share the memories with their families.
2. as a kid....if you woke before everyone could get the item or items that Santa left for you IF they were unwrapped and your stocking. We have kept that rule and or tradition here too. However, as my mom will assure you...I am still the first one awake...and when I hear the first one wiggle I am up making coffee...and Steve is grumbling something about someday I will grow out of this....LOL doubt it sweetheart....I am 36 and still just as excited!

Now a new tradition we have started in our family....Santa leaves gift cards in our stockings for each of us from the local movie theatre . We go to the movies on Christmas afternoon. My family is all 2 hrs north or further ( my Mom is in CA!) and Steve's family is just too big and he chooses not to fight for air and a plate of we go to the movies and have something fun and easy for dinner on Christmas.

Tell me about yours......


Kasandra said...


Kasandra said...

below is Beth's reply.... :-) pj's on Christmas Eve, going through the "Nite Lites" at least once, and watching Christmas shows and drinking hot chocolate out of our Santa mugs. I want to start a new one - taking a walk in our neighborhood and looking at lights...maybe someday

Jill H said...

one of my things i want to make a tradition, we've done it for the past couple of use the same snowman mugs - just like your tradition! - for hot chocolate, and use the same little plate to leave cookies for Santa. i need to dig those dishes out of the barn in order to do it this year though!!! love your traditions. your Christmas Day sounds relaxing. hope you have a wonderful visit with your family this weekend :)

Kristin said...

We used to go to church on Christmas Eve and then have a candlelit steak dinner. That was a nice way to start a busy 2 days. Now we have to celebrate with the Putnam side Christams Eve and Christmas with my time for relaxing.

Beth said...

I've just got to make sure I can post! I think it was MAC's security! Thanks for posting mine!

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