Monday, June 25, 2007

ugh- another week

who's your tiger? Steve decided Riley need to be the UN- official bat girl for the Tigers tonight while we were watching. After many attempsts she finally let me snap a pic. We took it for my dad....sending it his way! My Dad is a HUGE Tigers fan!!

(Don't look too close - her helmet is from the West Michigan White Caps game, not TIGERS )

Dad got his results back from his latest biopsy - NOT good. He goes on Friday for a meeting with the dr to talk about options. My brother is going to accompany him. I am going to patiently wait to hear from them from here.....hate the miles I have between myself and my family, especially in times like these. The talk is surgery and chemo with more tests to check to see if it has spread. Keep us in your prayers.

But on another Tigers note - those scratch off tix....if you have losers...send them in for the drawing! I talked my dad into it and he WON! FOR REAL, Beth :-) He won Tiger gear- very cool.

Here is the QUEEN !! She loves to be outdoors. A few nights this past week I have had to go out in my pjs to get her- she loves to crawl up in the lawn chair and go to sleep. I called and called her Thursday night and she would lift her head, loko at me, then lay back down and go to sleep. STINKER! Just like a kid!!

Nothing else too exciting going on.... The pool and the grill are getting used a lot. The garden isdoing GREAT! green beans, green peppers, tomatoes, banana peppers, corn and watermelon!

1 comment:

Beth said...

OK, I want to sleep in the chair with Riley AND eat dinner at your house LOL!

Hang in there with Dad's guys will make it. In the meantime, hugs, love and prayers headed your way!!!

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