Tuesday, July 10, 2007

what a blur


yep- blog slacker and RAK slacker.

been a little stressed and busy lately. I was north with my dad- they found more cancer which meant a BIG surgery. It was supposed to be a 1.5-3 hr surgery and he wound up in for 7.75 hrs! That is just plain nerve wracking sitting alone (although lots of people offered to join me for the wait, I declined all and just offered to make calls when we got news- hated to see anyone else sit in there all day and WAIT! ) Thank you - all of you for reminding me that you would have joined me had I allowed you to :-) Guess I was just expressing the scary feeling sitting there with NO NEWS and watching the room clear, hoping every call was for you with an update. in a waiting room watching people come and go - then my brother came and sat with me around 11am....at last someone to chat with to take my mind off from the wait. (I did get 3 chapter of Bungalow 2- new Danielle Steele cook read) It was a very long day! We had to be there at 530am- surgery started at 8am. He came home in less than 24 hrs...not sure it was a good idea but e is a MAN and let them know he was ready! ugh
No big results yet.....but they did take the lymph nodes for dissection too. Will keep you all posted.

Barton boys....the mad dash is still happening daily. Band camp run on my lunch hour....Steve and Koda ride bikes or walk for Steve's and soon will be driver's training too.

Otherwise- not much happening. Still in my old job-

Thanks everyone for the thoughts and prayers....keep them coming as he is far from out of the woods. Now comes the determining if chemo and or radiation is the next step.


Kristin said...

I'm sorry you had to endure sitting alone for so long. Wish I could have helped out some how. I hope everything turns out fine....keep us posted.

Beth said...

I think we're just saying we wish you weren't going throught this AT ALL!!!

Jill H said...

yep, i agree w/what Beth said. wish you weren't going through it, i'm so sorry!! i'm praying for your dad and your family :)

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