Thursday, July 12, 2007


Great news.
Dad 's got his results back last night.....his lymph nodes were negative. No cancer.
Now he has to make the decison whether or not he will choose to have the radiation. He follows up with the dr on Monday and they will go over all the options then. My oldest brother will join him at the appt.

He was so relieved and sounded so light hearted when he called last night!
Thank you to all of you -MY FRIENDS for all your thoughts, prayers and words of wisdom that helped us through one of the toughest times.


Beth said...

Yahoo! Thank GOD!

Kristin said...

Yahooo!!! Best news I've heard all day!! Congrats

Jill H said...

yay!!!! sorry i've been out of reading blogs, i'm slow to read this. but YAY, so happy for him & your family =)

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