Wednesday, October 31, 2007
Sunday, October 28, 2007
Witchy poo
All in all a weekend that desired more positives, however NO MORE WHINING HERE!
We got the roof tore off on Friday and I woke to my VERY OWN Niagra falls in my kitchen at 422AM! The rain did not go away until sometime Sat afternoon!! It was hit and miss all day!! Steve and I ran to Home Depot to buy another big tarp - and covered it up! However, today is a NEW DAY!! The rain stopped- we started over this morning and they have made great progress!! +300.00 m ore than we had planned in supplies and repairs....UGH!
HOORAY, tomorrow it should be in even better shape!
Need to still go get 'gumpies'. (Jake's old term for pumpkins when he was small) Tomorrow after eye appts they are heading to Ive's. Hoping to get them carved tomorrow night too!!
More fun pics to come.

Thursday, October 25, 2007
Wednesday, October 24, 2007
NO more !
Flu Shots for this chic!!I have taken one every year for the past 5 years and always been fine. Until THIS YEAR! Monday night I was very restless, felt warm - but the dr seems to think I am sliding into my change which could explain my night! Woke on Tuesday feeling BEAT and kind of warm again....went to work (had to gear up with BIG GIRL panties as I really felt crummy!!) Got to work and I felt worse and worse....my arm was swollen, HOT and I was now COVERED with hives head to toe!! Took 2 Benadryl. The nurse that gave it to me sent me to my dr.... YEP! allergic now to the flu shot...what part who knows. The dr gave me a steroid pack to fill and take if the symptoms continued. After work...just laid around and as the evening progressed my bronchials started feeling a burning like the beginning of Bronchitis and my voice went. BUT no trouble breathing YET. Called the dr....he said take 2 more Benadryl NOW and IF I started to feel short of breath at all....go straight to ER and fill & start the steroid in the morning!
Feeling like CRAP this morning....going to go in and try to do a half day....Jake's last game tonight too! and a dinner afterwards!! HELP! Going to go fill the steroids and get started....
Asking myself....what's so bad about the flu? I think I would trade this for that!
Thursday, October 18, 2007
GREAT NEWS! and sad news and ....
Sad news....my mom has left for her sunny beaches, warm weather and suntanned toes getaway!! She left early this year as they are going to a race in TX- huge Nascar fans!! Happy that she has earned the ability to do these winter getaways after years of hard work raising three kids as a single mom and working full time, but she is MY MOM and I MISS HER!!
More bummer news....no Cedar Point this weekend with the Hamlin's. Weather looks very uncertain so we cancelled the trip. No sense spending $350 on tix to walk around in the rain!! Both families made a Plan B just in case and the Barton's are heading to Muskegon to watch our favorite IHL (Muskegon Fury) team play hockey. It is the season opener- free tshirts to the first 500 in the door and autgraphs after the game. Boys are excited!!
Hamlin's are headed to Crystal Mountain!
Great news! Just 2 more weeks until the Crazy Croppin Chics weekend long crop! I am READY for a getaway but no pages planned or organized!! LOL Thinking about some pages and cards....maybe my Christmas cards? We'll see. Beyond the croppin....I just love the laughs, the friends, and having someone wait on me and cook all my meals!!
Sunday, October 14, 2007
Last weeks game pics - great game !
Busy weekend...Koda bow hunted for the first time alone on Sat- he had 2 deer came in under his tree stand - he was ready but they stayed behind a branch and he was unable to get a shot- but he was stoked and ready to go again this week!!
This weekend was Mom's farewell dinner. We drove up today for dinner at Logan's Steakhouse. We have gone there many times with a big group and had great service. This afternoon the service was ok by the wait staff but the kitchen messed up royally. They kept sending a couple plates out at a time- we all ate in shifts. A group of 13 of us but by the time I got my plate my sister in law sitting beside me was done? Needless to say- we ate for free. Their mgr came over , apologized and told us the bill was on them ! That was a big bill. Good food. Great visit with Mom....always too short- now she is leaving this week for TX! Not to come home again until April! :-(
Took the kids to get Halloween masks on Sat afternoon...they cracked me up so much in there....I was crying!! I will post pics soon. Jake hates the movie, Childs Play- Chucky doll movie? Steve put the mask on and Jake took off....he would not come near us...then Steve started chasing him....on my. We had fun.
Cooler damper weather expected this week....hoping for a nice weekend....Big CP trip planned this coming weekend.
Sunday, October 07, 2007
a day at the spa
Wednesday, October 03, 2007
Road trip
Monday, October 01, 2007
Sunday = Funday
VOTE! VOTE! Which one do you like best?
We drove out to the Waterloo area yesterday and took these with my digital and the tripod. We had loads of fun and I think we got a few nice pics!! If you ask Jake he will tell you that we took about 500 - just a little exaggeration but we had FUN!
What do you think....share, please!