Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Thank you Treximet!

This was me today - woke at 2am with a terrible headache..and it did not go away until I went to the dr and got the new MIRACLE drug....oh my.
I had been migraine free for some time now....but this one hit me hard!! Went to work as we had a computer upgrade this morning and I am the only one that knows how to complete it! ugh. Went to the doc at 945 - was in bed asleep by 11am! Woke at 230p feeling much better - and the best I ever have after a migraine. (most of the time I woke feeling 'hungover')
there is just one downfall....the dr said she does not think my insurance covers this drug...OF COURSE! Mom, do they have it in Mexico?


Jill H said...

ooh, glad that worked for you! I'll keep it in mind if mine start acting up again. Excederin Migraine works most of the time for me, but that's good to know this one worked well for you.

Jill H said...

love the new blog background too! it's so pretty :)


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