Thursday, May 28, 2009
Friday, May 22, 2009
Steve had a band concert this week at Parkside.
He had to be there an hour before it started so we dropped him off and went over to drive through Ella Sharp....we found this lil guy and a few others standing on the side of the road watching us.....too cute. We just stared at one another....I snapped many pics and he just posed. :-)
I have been crazy busy....4 weekends on the road. Hurt my back last weekend...now I'm struggling with pain radiating down my rt leg. Had xrays and now taking muscle relaxers and pain meds...hate taking any pills. Hate the pain.
Planning a BBQ for tomorrow at Steve's brothers'....otherwise, hoping for some rest and time at home. No boys tonight...all farmed out to friends' houses. It was nice to come home to a QUIET house, just Riley and I were here for an hour. Steve picked up dinner for he and I...surprised me with Save-Time Pizza. it was so sweet. That was my addiction and craving when I was pregnant with Dakoda....we lived too close (Meadowood Apts) which made it very accessible. Not sure it was as yummy as it used to be when I was pregnant....but the thought behind it made it G R E A T!
Have an awesome weekend.
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
How'd I do?
Dakoda tested his mom yest one more time....ha! as if I thought there was an end to the testing.
At 10pm last night Dakoda remembered he had the last part a project he had not done...and it was due TODAY!! Not something simple either....a tshirt to go with a paper he and another kid did for Econ! ugh.
- So, I gave a slight lecture as I was slipping into my cape and tights.....TA DA!! SUPERMOM will save the day!
- Happened to have an extra white tshirt from the last tshirt Mom made for chemisty class ... luckily had just stumbled across that one- knew exactly where it was.
- Voila! Now what does this have to have on it? 'Oh we need to create some sort of a logo and iron it on the shirt!"
- Thought I was going to choke him immediately....then I remembered buying a pkg of something like that at Joann's from the clearance bins....located that and found it not to be the kind of transfer you iron on. Nope you can do the photo transfer on to this paper...but then you have to iron or glue it on.
- NO problem....designed a cool logo on the computer....printed it. Then as it was drying I was fumbling around deciding how I was going to attach it. *I do have a sewing machine....but sewing on a tshirt for a guy sounds not so appealing....need fabric glue....
- Voila! I have craft glue that does infact mention fabric on it.....SO! I have now used 2 scrapbooking items as well as my craftiness.
- I used my sponge brush for my paint and stamps to paint the glue on the back of the logo....then stuck on the shirt....
- I was not happy with the look....had to outline with black 3D fabric paint- the one thing I made Koda do.
- Then I laid it out on the kitchen table to dry....set up a light oscillating fan to dry while I went to BED!
I think I will get an A! How about you?
Sunday, May 10, 2009

I went to my mom's yesterday....and filled a cooler with 20# of this wonderful green weed - as some of you refer to it. I love asparagus- it may have something to with my roots? Growing up in Oceana County in Western Michigan - in a community that has a festival in honor of this awesome green yummy vegetable. 06/12/09 - 06/14/09
Infact, yesterday we took my mom out to lunch at the Stony Lake Inn - which used to be the bar/restaurant that my grandparents owned back in the 70s. We had deep fried asparagus as an appetizer. It was AWESOME! It was a lot of fun - we laughed and reminisced sharing our fondest memories of way back when. My fondest memories of when my grandparents owned it.....napping in the booth after kindergarten! :-) We missed Bill and his family though.....he was sent to Indiana for work unexpectedly on Sat morning. :-(
My mom gave me a new recipe for asparagus....planning to make it this weekend.
How was your Mother's Day weekend?
Friday, May 08, 2009
May 8, 1993
Where does time go?
16 years today we were married and joined together as the Barton family.
I found these pics and the 'program' that the preacher used during the ceremony. He offered it to me after the ceremony asking if I wanted it as a 'keepsake'. Love it. I also have a CASSETTE tape of the ceremony music tucked away too. (the organist was ill and unable to play- so we used the sound system lol)
It was ALL GOOD! :-)
I am proud to say that I am still on marriage #1 - 16 years later. We have weathered through some very rough waters...seen some days that I wondered if we could make it through another....but best off all....I have many many years of wonderful memories of a life I share with this man- who is all in all a great catch. I am a lucky girl...and he is an even luckier man...ha ha !! :-)
Monday, May 04, 2009
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