I made 15 pints of homemade salsa this weekend. It is YUM-O!
We made salsa 2 years ago but this is MUCHO yummier! The
boys want to put salsa on EVERYTHING and to just eat it salsa
and chips for every meal. Love it.
Big day for Koda today. He got his license in the mail....the real thing!
and he is now dual enrolled in J High and Baker. He will get credits from
both....and could finish his senior year with 24 -30 credit hours towards
his PTA certification! What an awesome start ! These credits can transfer
to other colleges if he choses to move to a different school. EXCITING!
Thes BEST part....it is totally FREE to us while he is in high school. No
tuition and no books to buy! He will go to college from 7:45am-11:45am
then lunch and off to J High for 2 classes! On Fridays he only has afternoon
classes at J High - no classes at Baker.
Boys schedules this week are crazy busy! Which means I am running in
several directions after work....and of course work is NUTS! Don't they usually
go hand in hand?
Have an awesome week to all of my readers.....HA HA!
(I think everyone gave up on my blogging!)
on me.
I read your blog on bloglines but I'm just too lazy to come here to comment...I'm sorry! what is your salsa recipe? could you email it to me sometime? I don't think I have enough tomatoes this year but maybe next year. kudos to Koda for doing highschool and taking college classes at the same time, that's great!
ha ha ! I was totally kidding about the blog followers Jill. I am not a faithful blogger at all.
I will send the recipe over...it is awesome.
great news for koda and busy boys mean boys not in trouble, right? love your blog, you need to do it more! xoxoxo!!!
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