Saturday, January 02, 2010


We had a great New Years Eve...went to the Peek's. The adults played euchre, kids played XBOX or Wii.
Thank you Hamlin's for letting us borrow 2 of your boys.....our 2 were so darn happy to have them. They all got along great and traded several hours of sleep a night for gaming time.
It is so cool to see them all together again......awesome boys!
It was nice to get to see Beth, Kyle and the other 2 when we picked up and dropped off too. Quick visits but nice to see them for a minute!! Sure do miss them all.
Missing my Koda....he went north for the week to help Grandpa out! He has had loads of fun up there and had a lot of freedom. I sure do miss his wit and humor and all around just plain good kid. Hope he comes home tomorrow......could be a hold up due to the new storm.
Thanks Beth for the inspiration! I have started some de-cluttering. Started with the fridge....and kitchen cabinets. Also hit my bedroom.....that is a disaster in the works!

1 comment:

beth said...

thank you so much for having the boys. they said they didn't miss me :( lol. you are a pretty good stand in from what i understand! xo friend!!

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