Thursday, January 07, 2010

My word for 2010

It fits.
Lots of changes coming about it 2010.

our first born son graduating high school, healthier lifestyles and menus, my sister - in - law turns the BIG 5-0, I turn the BIG 4-0, my parents celebrate their 50th year class reunion from ERH, Steve II is in his final year of middle school, Jakob will be able to start his driver's training, I think I could go on and on......

*OK, Beth....something that makes me happy?

Jakob & Steve II laying on my bed on their bellies side by side.....Jakob explaining algebra to Steve II ....and the light bulb came on for Steve - and he thanked Jakob with a lot of enthusiasm...including telling him that Jake explains it so much clearer than his teacher.....did I hear compliments? from one boy to another? am I in the right house? that's happiness.

Coming home to a warm dinner made by my hubby, plowed driveway, cleared walkway, and some laundry done. YES!

Happiness is finding doctors that you are confident in. Dad's doctors at the U of M are making amazing steps towards finding him some relief. Hoping tomorrow we will find the same awesome results with Dr. Zande for Koda's new troubles.


Jill H said...

love the 2010 word! that is definitely a year of change, for sure. how awesome is that sibling compliment :)

beth said...'s sometimes hard and scary, but in the end it all is OK! Miss you friend!

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