Thursday, April 13, 2006

We found these 'fellas' each and every morning washed up on the beach- the kids were fascinated by them! Infact, it was the only way I got my two tweens up to walk the beach with me one morning...they were searching for a jeallyfish. Kyle (Koda's friend) had a checklist of several things he wanted to see and do while we were in the area....and I think we marked them all off. Swam in the ocean, saw a real jellysfish, touched live marine life, touched a real palm tree....I think that was it? I sure miss my morning walks on the beach! I never slept past 7am the entire vacation......I was awake....Steve was making coffee and I was OFF to walk to beach!
These crazy kids had a BLAST playing in the Atlantic Ocean! It was 63 degrees- BRRRRR! It was tooo COLD for tootsies were numb just walking in it in the hottest part of the afternoon!! Oh to be young again.....but then again.....even the tweens said it was TOO COLD. (but the TWEEN girls were in the pools :-) too! )

I am catching up on 'life' and laundry- work was nuts this week playing CATCH UP all week long....still have piles on my desk...they will be there Monday. Yeah, no work tomorrow....going to get groceries, taking Gram to get her ears re-pierced and heading North to see my long lost MOM! I have not had the chance to see or HUG my mom since NOVEMBER! Oh I am so looking forward to seeing her. We are going to dinner at Logan's Saturday evening. YUM!
Off to do some laundry and pick up the piles. Thanks Beth for the prompting to post again! :-)


Beth said...

Ooh, very cool jellyfish! Yeah, 63 is too cold for me too, but I sure remember swimming in Lake Superior when I was a kid and thinking it wasn't THAT BAD!

Have a great LLLOOONNNGGG weekend Kandi B...see you Monday!

Jill H said...

those are some awesome pics, Kandi!
the morning walks on the beach sound so great. you're taking your Grandma to get her ears RE-pierced??! lol =)

have a great weekend!

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