Sunday, April 23, 2006

weekend over , ALREADY?

Just a cute shot to share- Dakoda is a clown.
Busy weekend in the Barton house- seems like they all run together anymore...weekend? Is it really wehn we are supoosed to rest? HA HA! Not until the babies are grown and gone. Then I am certain I will still be on the go chasing Grandkids....I guess I love my busy life.
I truly have been trying to clean and orgaize the house for spring and warm weather clothes! However, I have a sciatic nerve issue in my right hip/tail area that is giving me a world of trouble this weekend. Thinking I will be heading to the chiropractor Monday! I have eaten Vicodin multiple times this weekend and muscle relaxers(for those of you that KNOW me,you know I hate pills and mind altering drugs totally....LOL no druggie here!!) .....and I cannot say it is from sitting on my 'arse' too much either!! LOL I wish.
Happy Sunday to all of you....have a great week.
Our life is slowing a bit everyone opted to NOT play baseball this year? Gun shoot is over now....and we are almost done with Basketball Camp....ahhhhh.
Now the spring field trips.... Heading to Sauder Village this Friday with Steven, a Tigers game on May 18 with a bunch of smelly 8th grade boys and then to Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village on June 1st! Watch for 'Mom's shots'!


Beth said...

I'm with you, we need more weekends, we need longer weekends, SOMETHING!! Thanks for all your kindness as of late missy, you rock! Have a good day!

Jill H said...

cute picture =)
i don't know how you guys get through the month of May w/all the school stuff...i'm going to need some serious meds when my kids are older!

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