The kids had a great time...Steve and I just loved the print shop....I was amazed at how struck he was by the process....he was in awe...the gentleman kept his attention the entire time and he asked questions....Steve was the only kid that stayed the entire time and listened to the whole presentation! He is still talking about the printing presses and the inks and on and on! :-)
Mom- if you get to read and view this....thank you again for joining us....I could not have done this without you!! Love ya!! It was a memory that Steve will have forever as well.
Below are a few of the pics we took while we were was a beautiful place to visit!!
Upcoming.....May 18th I go to a Tigers game with 8th graders!!
June 1st we are off to Greenfield Village and Henry Ford Museum

other with the milk (water) - we had to move on!

I love Sauders reminds me that I still think it would have been fun to grow up in the "Laura Ingles Wilder" times. I love those long dresses...but I would probably have to pin them into capris because the skirt thing would be in the way. Glad you had a great day.
Shut up, I haven't been there is so long, I'm JEALOUS! Last time I went, my mom, gramps and gram, and sisters went, and Susan came down with chicken pox!!! I would LOVE to go back, maybe this summer? Glad you had a good time Miss Kandi, especially with your mom!
awesome pics, Miss Kandi =)
i love the b/w ones!!!
so fun, Sauder Village sounds fun & so do your upcoming plans.
love the fake cow picture too, ha ha!!!
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