Friday, May 12, 2006


So glad it is Friday ....BUT on the otherhand it is hubby's bday and I am not well prepared. (sorry honey) I planned to use my lunch hour yesterday to do all my shopping.....well that was not what happened.
My Thursday was yucky! I woke up feeling like an elephant was perched on my chest and had started a bombfire in my I went to work and made a 9am dr appt. I have bronchitis close to pneumonia so he says...I am now looped on steroids, antibiotic and codeine cough syrup. We were supposed to head up north tonight but I postponed until Saturday A.M. so that I can give my drugs enough time to kick in....hoping not to pass off the sickness. Up north we are celebrating the Steve birthdays and Mother's Day!
However, I made him brownies this morning and plan to do my shopping today during my lunch!!

Have a great weekend ladies- Happy Mother's Day!! doubt I will be back on before Sunday.


Kristin said...

I sure hope you get feeling better soon. I don't think there is room in anyone's life for sickness this time of the year. Happy Birthday Steve, Happy Anniversary, and Happy Mother's Day sure are a neat person.

Beth said...

Oh boy Miss Kandi, hang in there! Hope you're feeling better soon. Tell Steve happy birthday big dog!

Jill H said...

gosh, get better soon!!!
have a great time & a Happy Mother's Day :)
Happy b-day Steve!!


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