Well- we survived the Tigers game yesterday! 4 -8th grade boys, 1 - 7th grade boy another mom and I made way to Detroit- they were fun. The weather tried to spoil our fun a few times but NOPE we won....so did the Tigers 5-3!
Dakoda made me one proud mom on the way home !! We stopped to let the boys take a 'potty break' at McDonalds - they all started begging for food...we sent them in to take their break - all returned BUT MINE! The boys informed me that MINE was in line to get food....I was FURIOUS....I did not want to purchase $100 worth of McDs to feed them all...Oh Kody, why? I ran inside ready to choke my 13 yr old....I reached him at the counter and said give me what $$ you have left....and continued to explain in my mom voice how you cannot get food to eat in front of all the others that do not have $$ and blah blah.....when he so sweetly looked at me and saaaid "mom, that's why I bought 5 * 99 cent dbl cheeseburgers , so everyone could have something to eat on the way home." I felt like a heal...but for once I felt like the parenting I have been doing had really worked. I have hugged, kissed and told him many times how very proud he makes me since that moment! Gotta love my Kodman! This is Jake- he had his Civil War day at school today. we were taking some photos this morning. I love the photo....is there any way I can get rid of the house in the background, ladies?? I do not have any fancy software.
Grandma purchased the hat down south....the rest of his costume is put together by Mom...not bad huh ladies? LOL
Happy weekend to you all.
great pics of Jake in civil war clothes!! cool costume. and i'm not sure how to get rid of the house in the background. if you want to e-mail it to me, i'll play with it in photoshop. or maybe post it on 2 Peas, the photography board & ask for help? those ladies really seem to know what they're doing.
Cool pics, and way cool story about Koda. Love it when it seems the "get it"! Have a good day!
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