Tuesday, October 31, 2006
Tuesday, October 24, 2006
do you see what I see?

Sunday, October 22, 2006
it's been a good weekend
Our week....work was NUTS! Just a quick inside peek....there are 3 steps to the intake dept I work in- I am step 1- step 3 is a young mom to be SOON that is more than ready to be done being pregnant and goes home or to L& D a lot. Been there so I do not judge her....but it means a lot of her work from step 3 comes back to 1 after 2 to finish! HELP! In the home health field we are swamped by mid-week as the hospital and all dr offices want their patients out of the hospital and home with care for the weekend....HELP. Sorry to bore you- but this 'splains' my STRESS! LOL Then there is my very sick family....we have all been fighting the fall cold - well we all beat it except for poor Dakoda. He was out of school W, Th and F. They gave him antibiotics on Wed for ear infection, sinus infection and so on....but on Fr he was still coughing BAD and running temps. I called and asked for xrays....sounded too deep for my comfort....well Dr. Mom you are right....PNEUMONIA in his lower rt lung! New antibiotics, steroids and a tired boy that is bored and ready to pick a fight with anyone...LOL. We feared on Fr that they may keep him but he was hydrated enough and old enough to follow instructions they felt he could go home....hello he is a MALE? LOL Truly he is feeling better and hopefully returning to school tomorrow.
My weekend...
It started after spending 3+ hrs in Express Care for xrays...learning Dakoda would not be admitted was the first shine of a bright weekend....got home Jake showed me 2 A tests ( been a rough start this year) which I had made a deal with him....bring me home 2 A's and you will get to have a Special Saturday with Mom or Dad!! Yeah Friday night!!
Good Sat!! Woke up Sat with Dakoda feeling a little better , Big Steve went to get his new meds filled and brought me back a rose and card for Sweetest Day! Jake and I took off for his day which included groceries!! He and I went to lunch - his choice, he rented a video game!
While we were gone Big Steve made cookies and changed the linen on beds AND caught up my laundry....NOW THAT'S a HAPPY SWEETEST DAY! Unfortunately, the one downer to my SAT - the Tigers LOST game 1. C'mon boys this is a MUST. Oh did I mention that everyone else was in bed at 9p, last night and I watched the game alone and cleaned up my scrap area and sorted out some STUFF! ahhhh
Now- my Sunday- woke up at 610am- cleaned the bathroom top to bottom, did a load of whites (the only one he refuses to touch and I appreciate!!), made coffee and got to BLOG! I feel like a QUEEN- and here is my greatest pleasure of the morning- Beth look what I found.....OK Blogger will not let me show you.....
PUMPKIN SPICE creamer....ahh heaven.....here it is 805 and I am zooming with a cup of coffee with my fav creamer!! YUM Now- is the paper boy finally out of bed? The boys are....and they want breakfast! Off to make cinnamon apple pancakes and bacon w/ OJ!
Have a great Sunday....
Any thoughts to our clothing yet for the crop? Can we go for Worst Dressed? Just no desire to wear a formal...lol C'mon creative ladies...
Monday, October 16, 2006
What's new?
My crew has been busy fighting......off a stinkin fall cold! I believe the weather changes sent us all into allergy/sinus overload which then turned to a chest cold. Hoping I am on the last days of hacking here soon!!
Koda is keeping me busy with wrestling practice and just plain being a teen. Homecoming game is Friday for J High and the dance is Saturday! Pics to come.
Jake is now playing the trombone in the band...which he would like to soon exchange for a bass guitar! This boy has big dreams of being in a band with his old buds!!
Steven is having fun just being busy and has just made a big life change.....we ordered his new glasses. The first in our family of 5 to get glasses. He is a little uneasy about the idea....and I reminded him that Bradley had to get them about a year ago too...and after talking to Beth today, they have the same vision issues.?? I will post soon when we get the glasses!!
We are trying to find a bigger house....which has been absorbing more of my extra time too. Ugh, I am so ready to find one....NOW!
Fall always seems to make my life busier....homework, hunting and fall/winter sports....and the fact we all like to snuggle in to watch tv together more in the evenings....mean computer time for me...is RARE! ( and the fact that Koda is always on here checking out his email, the MySpace accts of everyone he knows...and whatever else)
I am so ready for a break and our Crazy Croppin Chics weekend.....hey did anyone come up with ideas for the 'dress up'?
Have a great night all
Friday, October 06, 2006
1. I love FALL! Everything about Fall! (EXCEPT the fact it usually brings on a cold!!) I love the colors, the fun decorating, fall foods, baking, the Farmer's Market...I love Fall!! and PUMPKIN SPICE CAPPUCINO!
2. I love to read....Janet Evanovich is my favorite author but I enjoy many others as well.
3. Green is my favorite color.
4. I am the baby in my family and the only girl....YEP lovin it still after all these years!! My brothers both still act as if I could never do anything wrong! he he They are 7 and 9yrs older...which means by the time I was old enough to be out acting like a wild child they were living in TX!! Spoiled Rotten to say the least!!
5. My newest fav website is www.menus4moms.com they have awesome printable menus recipes AND grocery lists to go along with them. I truly saved some $$ and time last week by using my new method of planning ahead and cooking ahead. Check it out! If you sign up for their emails...the next weeks menu shows up in your inbox early the week before....we'll see how long it lasts?? CHECK IT OUT.
6. I am an optimist! I always see my glass as half FULL! and I am married to a man that has a hole in his glass....it always seems to be half empty....which actually makes for a full cup?....or a good 'DISCUSSION' ! LOL Pessimistic people can really irk me, if ever I had to pinpoint one specific trait about people that heats me up....that is it....Pessimism. How can life be so darn bad?? But I married him anyway...lol Guess I was optimistic that he would change or I could change him?? LOL How about you??
7. I danced for 13 years - Tap, Ballet, Jazz and Gymnastics. I did Ballet and Gymnastics when I was from 3yr-9yr, added Tap in at age 4, then switched Ballet to Toe Ballet at 10 and added Jazz. My final recital was in the spring of 1986 I danced a Jazz solo, Tap and Ballet.
8. I am a licensed cosmetologist! Did you know? YEP! Since 1991.
There ya go......what did you learn? anything new? LOL Cannot tag any of you....as my blog doe not get around much...LOL
Tuesday, October 03, 2006
I made this over the weekend and was telling beth how yummy and easy it was....and by the way....it is all gone already!! I was going to make her a copy of the recipe...she thought a blog post would be great that way you could have it too ladies....let me know if you all try it
1 2/3 cups sugar 2 cups sifted flour
3 eggs 1 t. soda
1 cup oil 1 t. salt
1 t. vanilla 1 t. cinnamon
2 cups chopped apples 1 cup chopped nuts
(your choice of apples and nuts)
Mix sugar and eggs well. Add oil and vanilla; beat till creamy. Sift dry ingredients together then add to batter and mix well. Fold in apples and nuts. Pour into greased/ floured cake pan. Bake @ 375 for 45-50 minutes. Sprinkle with powdered sugar while still warm! SO yummy and SO Simple!!