The new and improved Steven...he can see !! He was having trouble seeing the overhead boards and having headaches after school. The new glasses are for school and when he feels they are needed. He said tonight "WOW, Mom things look a lot different now!" Scary, huh?
Dakoda is back off from school...the pneumonia is getting worse. He is out until NEXT MONDAY! I was called this morning from J- High to respond to him having troubles breathing.....which is a scary call to a Mom when you hear your son gasping trying to talk.....a combination of asthma and pneumonia.
Off to catch up a couple loads of wash and get ready to watch the Tigers! Who's your Tiger?
Glad that Steve can see and that Kody can rest. Hang in there Mom! And my tiger...um, Granderson FOR SURE, but I'm liking Guillen more and more. Yes, I'm a tiger DORK! Good night!
oh my gosh, hang in there INDEED! yep, it's good Steve can see now!!!
um, i have no Tiger. (whispering) i don't watch them....but i'm rooting them on anyways!!! GO TIGERS!
Oh, Jtown is stricken with nasty bugs. I hope your little man gets feeling better very soon!
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