Sunday, October 22, 2006

it's been a good weekend

It was a LOOOONNNGGG week ! However, the weekend that followed it seems to be making up the dreadful days that got us here!!
Our was NUTS! Just a quick inside peek....there are 3 steps to the intake dept I work in- I am step 1- step 3 is a young mom to be SOON that is more than ready to be done being pregnant and goes home or to L& D a lot. Been there so I do not judge her....but it means a lot of her work from step 3 comes back to 1 after 2 to finish! HELP! In the home health field we are swamped by mid-week as the hospital and all dr offices want their patients out of the hospital and home with care for the weekend....HELP. Sorry to bore you- but this 'splains' my STRESS! LOL Then there is my very sick family....we have all been fighting the fall cold - well we all beat it except for poor Dakoda. He was out of school W, Th and F. They gave him antibiotics on Wed for ear infection, sinus infection and so on....but on Fr he was still coughing BAD and running temps. I called and asked for xrays....sounded too deep for my comfort....well Dr. Mom you are right....PNEUMONIA in his lower rt lung! New antibiotics, steroids and a tired boy that is bored and ready to pick a fight with anyone...LOL. We feared on Fr that they may keep him but he was hydrated enough and old enough to follow instructions they felt he could go home....hello he is a MALE? LOL Truly he is feeling better and hopefully returning to school tomorrow.

My weekend...
It started after spending 3+ hrs in Express Care for xrays...learning Dakoda would not be admitted was the first shine of a bright home Jake showed me 2 A tests ( been a rough start this year) which I had made a deal with him....bring me home 2 A's and you will get to have a Special Saturday with Mom or Dad!! Yeah Friday night!!
Good Sat!! Woke up Sat with Dakoda feeling a little better , Big Steve went to get his new meds filled and brought me back a rose and card for Sweetest Day! Jake and I took off for his day which included groceries!! He and I went to lunch - his choice, he rented a video game!
While we were gone Big Steve made cookies and changed the linen on beds AND caught up my laundry....NOW THAT'S a HAPPY SWEETEST DAY! Unfortunately, the one downer to my SAT - the Tigers LOST game 1. C'mon boys this is a MUST. Oh did I mention that everyone else was in bed at 9p, last night and I watched the game alone and cleaned up my scrap area and sorted out some STUFF! ahhhh
Now- my Sunday- woke up at 610am- cleaned the bathroom top to bottom, did a load of whites (the only one he refuses to touch and I appreciate!!), made coffee and got to BLOG! I feel like a QUEEN- and here is my greatest pleasure of the morning- Beth look what I found.....OK Blogger will not let me show you.....
PUMPKIN SPICE creamer....ahh it is 805 and I am zooming with a cup of coffee with my fav creamer!! YUM Now- is the paper boy finally out of bed? The boys are....and they want breakfast! Off to make cinnamon apple pancakes and bacon w/ OJ!
Have a great Sunday....
Any thoughts to our clothing yet for the crop? Can we go for Worst Dressed? Just no desire to wear a C'mon creative ladies...


Beth said...

WHAT A POST!!! WOWZA! You been busy girl! Keep hanging in there...and glad Koda is better!

Jill H said...

wow, totally BUSY!! hope Dakoda is feeling better now.

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