Thursday, November 30, 2006

I am ready

for the weekend. This is the weekend when I get as much shopping done as I can in 30 hours! Michelle and I meet in till we drop then have dinner and drinkage. :-)
I am so ready to go....and the snow will NOT stop me this weekend.
  • Big Steve now has the crud that lil Steve is rough! He is struggling ... choking down Theraflu and sleeping!!
  • Koda went back for a re-check and Dr. Medlar said NO WRESTLING for 4 more weeks....he is not healing as quickly as they hoped....maybe because he is still a male and he doesn't always remember his restrictions?? Hoping he will stick with the team and at least go learn!!
  • Lil Steve is doing much better- less crooping. Sleeping much better at night! Thinking about going to 5th grade camp- but a little hesitant. Hoping we can encourage him to go!
  • Jakob enjoyed a pizza & pop lunch today with the science teacher because he got a high score on a test that was HARD - 2 from each grade level were rewarded. After the special lunch they were allowed to go to the computer lab and play games until the lunch hour was over. He was very excited.
  • Me? finally received my long overdue raise that was promised to me 6 mos ago when I took the new job- which was a relief. Looking forward to a weekend shopping and sleeping in a Queen bed alone....ahhhhhhhh! After a little glass of wine or something- I should sleep GREAT!

Hope this finds everyone staying warm -

The boys have been doing the snow dance all evening hoping for all of the storm we were warned about- SNOW DAY! SNOW DAY!

Good night.


darcy said...
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Jill H said...

sounds like fun!! have a great time, Kandi :)

(the deleted post above was actually me, i was still signed in for Darcy -- posted a post on her blog for her yesterday -- oops!!)

Beth said...

Hope you got lots of shopping done!!!

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