Wednesday, June 20, 2007


We bid, but were overbid by someone who offered FULL price on the house we were interested in. Oh well, there is a reason for it and somwhere is a new house for me. :-)

My lunch hour now consists of MOM'S TAXI. I drive home at 1015 grab Jake , pick up another kid, run to Parkside, drop them off for summer band camp and back to work. Today however, I tossed them out at Parkside and dashed to Target before going back....uhhhh HELLO...June 19th? The new Janet E book is released today and so was Bon Jovi's cd...yep- a quick $30 BUT well worth every cent. Love the cd and book BOTH!

Steve starts his band camp in just a couple weeks and Koda starts Driver's Training! The wheels will be smoking at lunch time for TAXI MOM!! (Thinking about checking the city bus schedule for the driver training kid? we'll see.)

AND I will start my new job. Effective 7-1-07 my new position, and pay scale will go in effect!! :-) Still in the same place, same people, I will just be working for Hospice instead of Home Health and no more speaking with every referral source! Don't get me wrong, I love my current job too, but the new one is working more indepentently. If you did not know....I am not keen on someone always over my shoulder watching me. LOL and one nurse in particular was a biggie ....I even caught her on my computer reading my email once. UGH.

Stay cool and enjoy summer.


Beth said...

Too bad about the house but love your attitude. I think the bus schedule sounds SMART! And wow, your new job AND PAY go into effect 7/1 :)

Jill H said...

you go on with your positive self!!! good for you on the new position and pay, YAY!! that is not cool at all that someone read your email. that'd drive me nuts. hope your new position works out well =)

Kristin said...

Congrats on the new job! I hear you on the Mom Taxi service needing some assistance. It is crazy around here too. Just think, not too many more months and we will have another driver in the house to assist! YEAH!!

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