It is 24 days, 6 hours, 41 minutes and 10 seconds until Thursday, March 27, 2008
Greek towns, cuisine, sponges in all shapes and sizes, and SUNSHINE! Anyone need a new sponge, loofa? I can bring them home with my oranges and pink grapefruit from dad's backyard!! OH I am SOOOOO Ready!!
Thanks Jill for my bday card!! It was super cute ! And yes, that last post is a digital photo keychain. I can load pics from my computer to the keychain. Rechargeable battery. You can turn it off and on , choose the #of seconds between pics, etc. Just a fun new toy!!
Went Friday night for a scrapbook road trip with Beth in her fancy fancy new van. It is awesome. It has everything except the kitchen sink and a chauffer !!
We went to Pages in Time in Lansing. Oh we had fun. I stocked up on some new boy stuff for the crop I am going to next weekend. Hoping to get loads done. Better go order some more pictures. :-)
and I got this .....from Beth! Thank you!! It is made by Doodlebug !! It is so cool. Cannot wait to tote it around in Florida. It is so stinkin cute- thinking I may not be able to wait.

Weekend happiness-
- talked to my mom - she is planning her next move (Love ya mom)
- talked to my dad - he is gearing up for company soon
- went to Pages in Time - road trip and laughs with Beth
- got my nails filled
- groceries bought and bottles returned
- started making trip lists
- Sunday down time to chill
- 2 kids gone sledding / 1 playing Halo
- laundry almost done
- all meals planned for week
- all appointments and schedules posted on the board
and no more sick kids....everyone seems to be feeling better and back to normal.
Have a happy week.
Oh wow! What an energized post. I feel like I didn't get enough done this weekend just reading. Sorry the birthday card didn't get made or sent for that matter. I am looking forward to SB and counting down with you.
oh man, that countdown is making me jeeeeeeealllllous =P i wanna go south too! instead i have to call in for jury duty the first two weeks of April =P
sounds like a productive weekend, esp. that trip to Pages in Time =)
i'll have to check out Beth's key chain sometime, sounds pretty cool. love that Doodlebug bag too!
It was a fun trip Friday and glad I could surprise you with some doodlebug luv :) And can Jill and I sneak in with you? LOL! I want sponges...so cool looking!
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