Koda has his pink slip and is on the roads. Oh brother he scares me. I never had more respect for one profession......drivers ed teacher. That man that teaches these wild know it all teens- he must have acid reflux, heart troubles and I have to
definitely think he takes anxiety drugs!!
I truly remember the 10 and 2 positioning - but I do not remember learning to let go of the wheel and allow it to come back after a turn? HELLO? I was gasping the first time I let him drive...thought for sure I would have a hole in the floor board by the time we reached our destination.
However, he has been driving all week long with me and seems to really be improving!! I am sure he will be a great driver ....SOMEDAY!
Koda - you are a great young driver.
Why don't parents get a flashing bubble, a neon sign or something to put on the vehicle their young teen is operating ? I think someone should suggest this and get a law passed!!
Just wait my friends your day is coming and all too soon....the days pass quickly and turn to years.....and soon your hair will be greying like mine!!
Good night everyone and TGIF!