Check out this line up......
Gas =$3.99 gallon. How sad that THAT is a GOOD deal? ugh.
ON a happy note. I was there, waited in line (which truly went faster than I thought it would) Thank heavens for debit card users....we pull up, jump out, swipe, pump, grab the receipt and away we go!! :-) I waited in line because I needed to fill comes the happy part....I am going home this weekend to see my mom and dad - and more family as I will attend a baby shower because I am now a Great Aunt !!
My men are all planning to fish the big lake, Lake Michigan, with my brother on Sat and maybe Sunday too..we will see?
Except for Koda....he is staying home with Steve's dad because he has to do his range test for drivers training both nights from 7-9pm. He will have fun home with the XBOX to himself and the computer too.
Have a happy Friday and a great weekend too.
yep, the gas is CRAZY!! hope you guys had an awesome weekend :)
And the next day is was like 4.13 again. And I need it. :| I need a bike!
Ah ha! I waited just long enough and it was back down to $3.99 tonight :)
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