Saturday, January 24, 2009

Saturday news

Saturday busy-ness. I woke very early - just could not I got into my Janet Evanovich book, Plum has laugh outloud parts and I gigled enough to wake up the hubby! oops- oh only 15 minutes before the alarm!!

Started the day early with a wrestling invitational in Napoleon for the middle school boys....their very first! It was very exciting- Steve had one win and 3 losses....good for a beginner!! :-) Steve's first match was against his cousin...second cousin I guess, Steve Sr's cousin's son...the boys knew one another and actually started the match laughing as they saw who they were up against!! OMW- Steve wrestled a young man that was a big guy, looked very mature for 8th grade, 200#....Good Lord, the boy had more chest hairs than my husband - the kid has a 5 o'clock shadow and a full chest of hair??????? Not sure how many years he had been in 8th grade?
*Jake did not wrestle today - he was struggling to get his grades up this week. Child does the work but forgets to turn it in....thinking I need to pin his homework to the back of his shirt for the they used to for little kids with notes home!!

wrestlers' dinner request....Coke floats and pizzas from Walmart deli. The boys love those pizzas...more than Caesars! Give them a TRY!!

Walked in the door after the invite and Jake got a call from Alex who wanted to come over and hang they've been watching movies OR on the XBOX all night!

Thinking tomorrow we may go catch a movie and I have to go to work and play with payroll a little, as I also have a big meeting on Monday to attend to go along side my payroll deadlines...ugh, not the best way to start a Monday!!

Enjoy the rest of your weekend.

1 comment:

beth said...

Great job Steve, and Jake, come ON!!! Get your crap together :) You know I love ya! Dinner suonds good. We are headed to Mall Cop tomorrow, a haircut for Cory, and hopefully that's ALL!! :) Love ya friend!


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