Wednesday, February 04, 2009


No, they are not - but with the same color singlet and shoes very similar, same head might need to look a little closer..... Jake and Steve. Both boys are first year wrestlers....and lovin it. Thinking all three may continue the season with freestyle afer the school season.

Tonight we were in Eaton Rapids....Jake's very first meet, first match, first wrestler of the night....took the win with an awesome pin!!

Steve followed shortly after....and as any brother would be, determined to not be shown up....and eager for a win - he took home a win with A PIN! His first match tonight- he took it away!! and it's only Steve's second meet!!


The PIN for the WIN! Steve



The WIN - Jake
Had to get some pics posted....been a long day....heading to bed. Tomorrow will come soon - just had dinner at 930 pm and then sent them to Letting them sleep a little later tomorrow-they need some rest! Mom TAXI will deliver. :-) G'night


Jill H said...

way to go, Barton boys!!! great pictures :)

beth said...

so so so so cool!! nice job steve and jake :)

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