Thursday, July 16, 2009


This precious note was on top of a BIG platter of
HOME-MADE blueberry muffins!
The note was from an awesome little girl that has a very special place in my heart.
Thank you Madi - I love this note and it made me feel all better!
XXOO Love & MIss YOU
The muffins are amazing - you are ready for the B&B grand opening Miss Beth! So far everyone in the house that is up has snatched a couple with a glass of milk for breakfast and commented on how moist and yummy they are!
Thanks again so much for the visit. I do agree that we need to get some sort of pledge going to meet up at least once every other month.....the 3mo/ 6mo plan just bites! and we need to get the whole gang together in there sometimes too!
Not enough time in a day every 6 mos to catch up on life!

1 comment:

Jill H said...

aww, that's the sweetest note!

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