Friday, September 18, 2009

Growing up....

These boys are growing so quickly it just amazes me.
I really do not feel like I have had enough time to prepare them for this ugly world! Yet, Dakoda is a senior already! Where did the time go?

He has been trying on 'new shoes' in life's little shop of treasures!! He has been trying real hard to get as grown up as he can since he received his license. Unfortunately he has received some lil heartbreaks too.
  • Skipping school because he 'needed to ease into his senior year!' NOPE didn't fly....the truck was parked.
  • Hmm, lead foot? Not me? Yep! Received his first and LAST speeding ticket on Monday in his own driveway!! WOO HOO! Yep, he was 'coasting' down the hill from his Gma's to our house....and was clocked at 40 in a 25! The cop cut him a break down to just 5 over. $100 and 2 pts. His dad is going to join him in a meeting with the magistrate (aka court jester) to see if they will waive the points! He sure is hoping they will since I suggested the extra $$ my insurance will go up will come from his 'fun $$'.

All in all he is an awesome kid. and he is learning from these errors...and I can't say it's abnormal for kids to try these stunts ( I think I might have? once? except no tickets yet!)....but I thought mine were perfect and above that? HA HA

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