I had a completely crappy day at work today, the neighborhood was NUTS when I came home at lunch....10 cop cars, 2 firetrucks, and an ambulance OH and a FREAK! They had me blocked in- I had to call work and explain I was confined my all the cars and an officer told me I had to stay put until the FREAK was in custody and the crime scene was clear! TOO much for one gal!
Ok ladies.....complete the quiz...and tell me your strength.
Quiz: What's your scrapbook strength
Take this fun quiz to start discovering your personal scrapbook style.
1.If you had to choose a career from this list, what would you choose?
A. Writer
B. Photographer
C. Personal Shopper
D. Artist
2. What' article_print.ihtml?index_field="1701&issue=January" mag print_templates a take you when process thought your s DIV photograph?<>
A. My friends won't believe the story behind this photo!
B. I love how the light is perfect for this shot.
C. Hmmm....what's missing from this composition?
D. These lines are going to make an excellent picture.
3. You've been given a $20 gift certificate. What would you buy?
A. A new collection of fonts
B. More photo paper and ink for your printer
C. Enough supplies to complete six or more layouts
D. Something fun and new from the art supply store
4. Which article would you read first?
A. How to Write the Story Behind the Story
B. How to Set Up Your Own Photo Shoot
C. How to Choose Accents for Your Pages
D. How to Use Silver Leafing on Your Pages
5. You have one hour to scrapbook. What do you do?
A. I write the story for my page.
B. I digitally edit my photos.
C. I play with different colors of accents, moving them around until I feel like I have a pleasing layout.
D. I get our my embossing powder, metal accents and a heat gun, and play!
6. When my friends look at my scrapbook pages, they say:
A. What a great story!
B. Look at those pictures!
C. You make this look so easy!
D. What incredible work!
7. You get to choose an assignment from CK. Which one would you take?
A. Create a page featuring a letter to a friend.
B. Create a page showcasing six photographs.
C. Create a page using three new products from your favorite scrapbooking supply line.
D. Create a page using three products from the art supply store, that you wouldn't find in your scrapbook store.
8. When you read an article in CK, what do you focus on first?
A. I read all the journaling on the scrapbook pages first, and I get frustrated when the journaling is too small to read. B. I look at all the photos on all the layouts first.
C. I look at the overall article design and then go back and forth between the text and the visuals.
D. I read the supply lists and look for cool new products.
Now, tally your answers...
If you had mostly As: Your primary strength is Scrapbook Storyteller. You're most interested in sharing the story behind your photos and making sure your memories are chronicled and documented with words.
A challenge for you: Have fun with your journaling. Realize that not all stories need to be sad or serious to be heartwarming. Experiment with different ways of communicating information: use lists, dialogue, quotes from favorite books, hidden journaling and more.
If you had mostly Bs: Your primary strength is a Scrapbook Photographer. You've probably studied your camera manual, taken photography classes and studied photos for what works and what doesn't.
A challenge for you: Continue to develop your photography skills so your pictures tell as much of your scrapbook story as possible. Take photographs of every single person you know and see how many distinct personality traits you can capture.
If you had mostly Cs: Your primary strength is a Scrapbook Stylist. You have an ability to pull together different elements and make them shine on a layout.
A challenge for you: Choose supplies you don't normally use and see what new combos you can create.
If you had mostly Ds: Your primary strength is a Scrapbook Artist. You love playing with scrapbook styles, creating new looks, pushing the envelope and trying new techniques.
A challenge for you: Continue to push the envelope. Realize that you're scrapbooking for the joy of creating something unique. Come up with a new technique you've never seen before.
Improve in other areas! Try a challenge from one of your weaker scrapbook styles.
Quiz from
Hot Looks for Scrapbooks, p. 38