Monday, June 05, 2006


Well, the pool is up! Crazy boys were in it...the thermometer only said 70! New pool toys prompted them but the cold water made it a short swim....longer than I could have gone....but they had fun. Actually they were in a half hour or so.
Ready for summer....last week of school....YEAH! Then comes the battling.....3 boys home together all summer! AHHH


Kristin said...

70 degree water won't be bad when the tempratures are in the 90's...but right now it would be a little much. Too bad you didn't live closer the boys could keep each other occupied for the summer. Today is our first day of break. 2 are in basketball camp, but Konnor has nothing. Oh, boy, won't that be fun.

Jill H said...

wow, brings back memories of when Beth, Susan, & i stayed home while my mom worked!! not of the pool, but of fighting :( at least they'll have the pool to keep them cool & entertained some!

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