Saturday, April 21, 2007

Feeling like Eeyore

My little black rain cloud is chasing me.....hope this weekends' sunny forecast will chase the blues away!

Friday morning---

7am Jake started the van without disabling the alarm-

720am -we went out to load up for school- OOPS! the doors are locked and they tell me AFTER I lock the house door behind me. Is this really Friday?

725am Now what? I am in shock- it is after the time we normally leave and we are locked OUTSIDE! and it is chilly. CELL PHONE! and I remember Jake has a house key in his backpack so we can get back inside.

I call Steve and my knight in the silver truck comes flying home - only for us to learn he has lost his set of keys? WHAT?

Yep, he took off to take the kids to school and head back to work, as he was on the clock.

Me? Van still running in the driveway- and I thank my stars that we have AAA - call Jimmies towing. We will be there ASAP, Mrs. Barton.

And he was- Greg was there before 8am and I was at work by 815am!

BUT my day was not an eventful one. Seemed it was just one startling news break followed by another...

I want to go back to bed and start over....please...tell me this is just a BAD dream not a whole BAD DAY!!
So- happy to report I made it through the day....and I worked 4 hrs today, took Riley in for her check up and shots, and now a little R&R
Happy day

1 comment:

Beth said...

OMG. What a poopy day. Hope your weekend has been better than your week ended friend!

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