Monday, May 07, 2007

Manic Monday Part Deux

Oh my- here's the update-----

1030am appt with the dr- paid 15.00 copay to hear the dreaded " I really feel this is just a virus, if any more symptoms appear please bring him back." left with him still burning a 101+ temp with Advil and Tylenol in him.

1200 pm- the triage nurse called to check on the fevers - took it while I was on the phone with her- 105.2- she said "Let me call you right back, I am going to consult with the dr." Called back and said "I know you won't like this much but with those fevers he needs to go to the ER and have another dr check him over."

Spent a few hours there with an IV, lab draws, eye drops and an xray. Grand finale- PNEMONIA and PINK EYE!

7pm- temp is 103.9 with drugs and taking antibiotics and eye drops.

Hoping for some sleep soon.


Kristin said...

That is so scary when their fevers get that high....hope everything calms down soon!!

Beth said...

OMG that fever is scary! Hope Jake is feeling better soon!

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