Wednesday, May 09, 2007

they're back

The darn fevers returned last night! 103.8 and they have gone all the way down to 100.2 this morning. 4th day of fevers. Yep, and day three I am home and we are calling the dr this morning. UGH.
The poor kid was felling so much better yesterday then BAM! the fevers returned and wiped him out!

Our anniversary was nice. 14 yrs. Steve brought me flowers and a sweet card after work. He grilled steaks and helped me lay some of that flower stuff out in front of the porch- it is a butterfly mix. Let's hope it blooms- it says 1-3 weeks.

Raining today- inside projects for the stay at home mom. Unless, we are running all over or the worst fear comes true- an admission.

Big plans for the BIG 4-0 man. Turns 40 on Sat and we are supposed to go north and bet on the ponies. :-) The track up north will close after this year so Steve wants to go give it a try!! Then dinner with Mom on Sunday!!

Keep us in our prayers....we need that fever to go away for good. Have a great Wednesday.


Jill H said...

awww, i hope he feels better soon!! poor kid, that stinks :( hopefully NO fever today.

congrats on your anniversary!!

Beth said...

OK, if I didn't know better I'd thank Jakeroo had a blow dryer near that thermometer! :) Seriously, I sure hope the kid starts feeling better soon!!!

Glad you had a nice anniversary...steaks at home, that's always good!

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