Started with a headache that definitely made me think.... Migraine? I get the yawns and have vision issues when one is coming on.....for well over a year I have had them under control first with meds now without....I decided it was not bad enough to call it a sick day so I took Jake & Cory (Jake's friend) to school....it continued to worsen as we drove....and on my way back I was contemplating going to work or back to bed as my eyes were about to burst out of my noggin....when I was rounding the curve downtown near my office I heard a 'thump, thump' noise- turned off the radio and it got louder, more frequent - "Darn it- at almost 38 yrs old I have my first flat!" Well, now what? I called my knight in a shiny silver Ford 4x4 to come save his maiden in distress. He appeared in the down pouring rain and darkness and took me home, gave me drugs, where I went back to bed for 2 hours and slept off the headache - or the worst of it. I feel better but am still light sensitive somewhat so I am staying home. When he gets done at work we need to go rescue my wounded beast!!
Hope you had a better day than me.
Sorry this morning was POOPY, but hopefully this afternoon made up for it...quiet time and rest!
Ahh...man...is my luck rubbing off on you too?! Hope the head is feeling better really soon. Can't be an effective mama with a headache.
oh gosh! sorry you had a bad start to the day :( glad you could try to get better though. hope the migraine goes away for ya :)
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