Thursday, March 02, 2006

ICE-Y roads

No school for the Barton boys today. Mother Nature laid a shiny, slippery blanket down for us last night. The boys only had a half day with conferences today so they will not miss much. Steve and I had decided at 530am that we were not toting them out on these roads for a simple half day where they have very little learning due to the short day ( we drive them to school- no buses). At 545 Paragon Charter Academy came across the screen- CLOSED conferences will be held as scheduled.
This gives me an extra hour this morning to myself ( or so I thought) to do some household chores, etc. No lunches to pack, no backpacks to fill, yadda the Big guy off to work and now I have until 730 to get ME ready! However, my ME time has ended because 2 out of 3 boys are up...and YES the PS2 is already blasting! UGH!
Everyone allow yourself a little extra time this morning - The BIG DOG says the roads are no fun! (Today is one day he may wish he had not changed to the POPUS (external hospital delivery) job! He will be delivering supplies today in the BIG cube truck.
God bless you all and may He watch and guide your travels. Be safe my friends.


Jill H said...

yes, i'm staying home today & being a shut-in!! no school for Xave up here either. hope you & Steve are safe driving today :)

Kristin said...

The boys don't have school but we have to still report for conferences. That means I get to sit in my office for 7 hours and see 0 parents. It isn't any fun at the elementary level. I used to look forward to MS conferences. Oh well, I'm taking book #3.

Beth said...

I didn't think it was that bad by the time we were out and about, but hey, whatever, made for a much easier day!! And we got lunch together :)


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