Friday, March 10, 2006

Just like Michigan weather.........

Plans change! Hubby has PINK EYE! I knew it last night and started the drops that we had left over from the last kid having it....but it is BAD! He is heading to see the dr this afternoon. Being this crud is so catchy he and the boys will not be traveling north this afternoon with me. I have never seen it so bad that when I put the drops in.....chunks of ewwwwww flowed out! EWWWW
I know the boys will be terribly disappointed BUT we cannot share the crud with my dad or others. If daddy has it...we will all probably catch it...YUCK! Grandpa did not welcome the option to have the boys come without dad, I think in fear they would come bearing PINK gifts!
Well, ladies.........I am hightailing it out of Jack-town ASAP! LOL Tonight might be fun and a laugh that I am leaving them and running....but reality is....I will come home to a disaster and cooties all over....they are not good at wiping and washing! It is TRUE- BOYS DO HAVE COOTIES! But we love them all the same. XXOO hope you feel better soon, honey!


Beth said...

Bummer on the pink eye...please don't come anywhere near me Mr. Barton! Too succeptable!!

Have fun Kandi B!

Jill H said...

ewww, pink eye! so gross, i had a super bad case of it one time. in both eyes. yucky. hope he's better by now & that the rest of you didn't get it! hope you had a good time this weekend, you still went away right?


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