Monday, May 17, 2010


still my focus.  seems like I may not be the only one in our little crew making a change.

Koda went to MEPS (Navy) again today for the foot consult....since he has flat feet.  The dr scored him a 12 on a scale of 1-10 (10 being the most severe flat feet)  hmm.  the recruiter told him not to give up....they are working on a waiver?  not sure I will allow him to go with a waiver until I understand it more....a waiver to me sounds like they would ask him to sign something saying if ever he has troubles that are linked to his flat feet he would not be covered?  nope.  at 17 he cannot start out like that.  the dr also gave him a brand of shoe and style that will be great for him....I was scared.....$$$$ but actually they are only about $100/ pr.  which to some might make you squeal but to a mom of boys....and athletic is a drop in the bucket...just another pair of shoes.

my area of change is going pretty good.  still working out the details....defninitely have to plan ahead.  my weekend was a bit tough staying on schedule but I still dropped another 2 lbs!  :-)

had an awesome weekend.  great fun, but always too short.  miss my mom already.  i need to be closer so I can craft and hang out with my mom more.

will post pics later.  xo
ah ha!  some pics....Jake - handsome young man....dressed in business attire for a class project!!
Koda playing kickball with his cousins at Stony Lake park
Steven turned 14!  Ugh.  My baby is growing up!  and Alyssa playing kickball on Sat!!  (background...Yvonne, Tim and Bill)

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